Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, November 7, 2008

Here's Hippo!

Yeah, it's Friday at last! We have a great weekend ahead...nothing but Sunday school/church and that's it!!! Soccer was over last weekend - YIPPY! I love that Kasey plays. I think it's great for kids to participate in teams and such, but 3 days of soccer a week, I'm ready for it to end after 3 months! She loves it, so we support her and cheer her on.

Did you guys notice that I figured out how to do a playlist and add it to my blog?? I was so excited! These are just a couple of my favorites - my ipod has over 300 songs...I figured I didn't want to overload the blog with lots of music so I stuck with my man Chris Daughtry (YUM! did I just type that outloud??!! LOL!) and some others that I like.

This summer, Jordyn finally convinced Mike to let her get a rabbit and join the 4H rabbit club. It just happened to be around the time that our neighbor's bunny had babies. She was in the rabbit club so we got one from her. It was such a tough decision when we went to get the baby bunny. They were all SOOO cute! But, Jordyn finally decided on an all black baby named Hippo. Lyndsay (our neighbor) had named each baby as it was born and Hippo was named such because he was the largest of the group - a chunky little monkey!

The girls fell in love instantly and that poor bunny hasn't had a moments peace since he came to live with us! They keep him outside in their playhouse for now. The girls and Mike cleaned out the chicken coop (dumb chickens won't use it!) for him to live in, but he just hasn't been moved yet.

Here is a layout I did using Latte Dah Designs Nature's Beauty kit. You can see just how much Hippo is loved and how darn cute he is!! Enjoy!!!

By the way, my digital friends...go over to Tracy's site (Latte Dah Designs) and check out her newest kit. She created this kit for her friend who suddenly passed away this week. It's a gorgeous kit with lots of great colors and elements!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!!

We are all watching history happen today! I am not a big political junkie or anything...could care less about the debates or who has the most commercials on TV, etc. But, today, no matter who wins or how you vote in this presidential election, it will be a first in our history! I keep telling my girls how cool this is, but they just give me that blank stare. We haven't gone to vote yet, but will later this afternoon after Mike gets home. I was watching the news this morning and I am amazed at how long the lines were in our area before the polls even opened! WOW - just WOW!

I haven't had the time to create any new layouts this week, but hope to over the next day. I'm also thinking of a new class to teach at MCC. I still have to think about the details and iron out how I'll teach a digital class, but hopefully it will all come together soon.

I was reading a blog of one of my favorite digital designers today. It was a post from the other day that I didn't get to see. If you get the chance, go to Summer's blog and read her latest entry. Her new kit is amazing - I just love her work. Not only that, she posted about her best friend and some very sad times for her friend's family. If you can help, I know that it will be greatly appreciated.

Oh and how could I forget Halloween!? I took the girls to our usual spots - hit the community center for the Trunk or Treat festivities and then headed through our small town. We walked for almost 3 hours! The girls were thrilled at their loot! Me too...they got snickers bars!! I hope they don't notice that they all mysteriously disappeared!! Luckily, they didn't get too many of them...they are my favorites! I'll leave you with a picture of my girls - the 50's girl, the snow princess and Tinkerbell.

If you haven't yet - GO VOTE!