Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Oh My Goodness!

I can't believe that my last post was in January! Goodness! Time is flying by me. I have taken on more work and it's consumed a lot of my time - a lot more than I had thought it would. Even though I haven't posted, I have been kreating stuff. I'll post some pictures of things I have done.

Laura and I had our 2nd weekend crop in February and had a blast - as always! The ladies are always such fun to have. I have met some truly great people doing these crops. I'm already beginning the work for our 2nd annual ScrapPink crop at the end of September. Look for more information to come soon.

I'm also in the process of kreating a fan page on Facebook. If you are a "Facebooker" you can visit me there as well. I am slowly working on this, so keep checking for updates.

Kasey and I ran our annual Daisy Dash for Girls on the Run on May 16th. I haven't done layouts for those pictures yet - even though my husband only got 2 of us! I have included the layouts I did from last year's race below. It's such a great event and a wonderful program for girls. If you have a daughter that is 8 or older, you should check it out Kasey has enjoyed it the last two years she has participated. We were happy that we beat last year's time - only by about 4 minutes, but I guess it's better than taking longer! Next year I told her we would do even better than this year. I suppose I need to keep going on this treadmill so I don't get too out of shape!

I am also thrilled that I finally got my new Photoshop program - CS3 Extended! I am learning how to use it because it is a tad different than PSE 5.0, but oh when I get it down, it's going to be soooo cool! This version does all kinds of great stuff. I'm really hoping that eventually - sooner rather than later - I can start doing some of my own designs for digital kits. We'll see. It's a big dream, but if I keep my focus, I'll get there.

OH yeah and I'm also working on a digital class for My Creative Classroom! MCC is sort of 'closed' for summer, but will be opening up in the Fall for a bunch of great classes! New instructors and new ideas...I'll keep you all posted when things start hopping over there.

Enjoy your gorgeous weekend everyone! I have loved this perfect weather today. I planted a bunch of new flowers in my pots on the deck. I'm so loving the color and cheer that's out there now. I cleaned off the deck furniture, put up the canopy and now the pretty flowers. Perfect for lounging on these cool spring evenings or coffee in the mornings...I love it!

Until next time - Keep on Kreating!!