Shabby Miss Jenn

Monday, October 27, 2008

Another Monday...

To most, Mondays are the worst days...they got to sleep in all weekend, relax and enjoy being home. Monday morning comes and the alarm clock goes off just too early and then they have to fight the traffic to get to work...for me, I love Mondays now! After what feels like a LONG weekend, the house is mine! After a weekend of kids arguing and messing up everything I tidy up, its so great to just sit and listen to the silence. I have to admit, it is a hassle at first to get the girls up and going some days, the end result is, I have time to actually sit in peace and quiet. Some days it doesn't quite work out this way, but I try hard to plan meetings and client work around these 3 hours of peace.

I did do some fun layouts recently - digital of course!! I'm getting better, but still have SO much to learn. There are so many great kits and tools out's just crazy! When you can't get enough, like me, it gets overwhelming...I am starting to forget what I have! I better get these files organized before its too late.

Here is a layout I did last weekend, but forgot to post it. This was from last fall when we spent the week of Thanksgiving down at the lake. We took a field trip over to Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest. There is so much history down south, we always try to take a trip to somewhere historic while we're there.

This is another I did for Latte Dah Designs. This is using the eco-friendly kit. I'm working on making it a little better. There is something it needs, I just need to figure out what that is!! Anyway, this is just one layout of many that I will be doing for Tracy at Latte Dah Designs as well as one of many that I will be doing with pictures from the Alaskan Cruise that my mom and I took last June. That was an amazing trip and these photos are just a couple of the 600+ that I took that week! The Hubbard Glacier was our first stop on the cruise and it was simply incredible. You just have to see it to believe it...that's pretty much the case with all of the Alaskan scenery.

Let me know what you think!!

Have a great Monday!!


Anonymous said...

I am a total sun lover and all of my trips have been to mostly Mexico or anywhere where there is HOTTTTT Sun and the ocean. The way yyu describe your trip to Alaska makes me think I might want to go there someday. Can't wait to see more of these pictures. :)

Ibis said...

I love your digital pages. I have started collecting kits but I haven't had the courage to try it yet. I've been reading this design book and its its opened my eyes at how much of an impact more contrasting color combinations can make on a page. For that eco-friendly page, I'd suggest that you add some contrast. That should complete the page. Try making the mats match the flourishes, or pick another color entirely and add a matching embellishment on the journaling card or somewhere else at the bottom. Just a thought!

senovia said...

Stopping by from 2Peas to say hi! I'm looking forward to reading more. ;)

KFairbanks said...

Thanks you guys!!! Tracy - I HIGHLY recommend the Alaskan Cruise!!!! I would do it again in a heartbeat!!! There is no way I can describe just have to do it. The scenery, the ship, the crew, etc. It was all great. I went with my mom and 12 of her over 55 community friends...even though I was the youngest in the group, I had a blast!!!
IBIS - Just do it!! I was scared and have only bee doing this about a month...its so addicting and fun!
Senovia - thanks for stopping by!!!